How To Get Into A Paid Research Study
Paid research studies offer money for your opinion and more. Learn how to get into a paid research study and some earn extra money today.
Paid research studies are facilitated by a diverse variety of organizations today. The general primary purpose of a research study is to gather data based on consumer thoughts and opinions. Because these studies are paid, however, they also offer unique ways for qualified participants to earn some extra cash.
Studies range in nature from surveys conducted online all the way to clinical trials. Both quantitative and qualitative studies are conducted, each with its own type of purpose and result. Convenient ways to find and enroll in paid research studies are available now. Continue reading to learn how to get into a paid research study and some earn extra money today.

What Is a Research Study?
Research studies are all purposed to generate data based on participant involvement. Research studies are vastly diverse in nature, ranging from television show focus groups to clinical trials during which new medicine is administered. Companies want feedback from consumers both current and prospective. This is especially true when new products are launched. Most marketing-based research studies are conducted prior to the release of a product so any flaws or other issues causing negative consumer responses are corrected. In fact, the same is largely true for clinical trials where new medicines are administered. Such trials are designed to discover any adverse side-effects of the medicines under carefully supervised conditions prior to the medication going public.
Participation in most paid research studies is enjoyable and simple to do. Some ask for your opinions. Others ask you to discuss your relative life experiences. The latter information is then applied by companies to their market research and product designs.
Qualitative vs. Quantitative Studies
Two primary umbrella-type studies are offered. Qualitative studies are designed to assist companies with making more intelligent (and therefore effective) marketing studies. Quantitative studies include pre-organized static responses, which are proposed to be analyzed by the researching organization with accuracy and ease. While qualitative studies typically result in more detailed data, both types of studies are impactful and useful to the facilitator.
Exploring Different Types of Paid Research Studies
One popular type of paid research study involves participating in a focus group pursuant to a new television show or movie. These studies involve watching a movie or show then commenting on it to producers, assistant producers, or other applicable show-related personnel. Your comments and opinions are taken into consideration along with those of the others participating in the focus group with you. Applicable personnel will then use the data collected to modify show endings, plot twists, character development, editing choices and more. Your focus group opinions do count as well. For example, the character Julian Sark (played by actor David Anders) was only meant to star in minimal episodes of the former massively popular hit TV show Alias. The Sark character tested so overwhelmingly high in focus groups, however, he was added as a permanent cast member and remained with the cast through the final episode.
User interviews are another type of paid research study available to you today. These types of studies incorporate online and in-person consumer conversations alike. Conversations are all pursuant to specific goods and services offered by companies as well as opinions about their company websites.
Respondent studies pay consumers for research data online. This app/website allows you to create and account as either a general consumer or industry professional. Industry professionals are paid top dollar for participating in these types of research studies, although general consumers are compensated significantly per hour as well.
Clinical trials often require participants to meet intensely specific qualifying criteria. For example, some trial participants have cancer and agree to take experimental cancer medications. Others take experimental medicines for mental or emotional illness or allergy relief (and even allergic incitement).
How Do I Get into a Paid Research Study?
Getting paid for participating in a research study is generally easy to do provided you qualify for the study. You will be required to fill out an application and meet the participation criteria. For example, a company making toys for children might hire parents to assess the safety of a toy before it goes to market. Studies seeking opinions about bikinis are geared toward women, while studies pursuant to beard trimmers will be geared toward male participants.
How much you get paid and through what means depends on the study facilitator. Some companies will make direct deposits into your bank account. Others will supply gift/debit cards or pay by check. Many paid research study facilitators will also pay using PayPal, Venmo or Cash App. When signing up for a study be certain to include full and accurate information to guarantee your payment goes through as planned.
How Much Can You Make Off a Paid Study?
Different types of paid research studies pay different amounts. The method of research impacts your pay. For example, focus groups, long/short interviews and completing survey forms all pay different amounts. The length of the research study also impacts pay. The longer you participate the more you will likely be paid. The method of payment might also impact your pay amount. Some payment methods deduct fees while others do not.
Fast online surveys might pay as little as $10 per hour, while longer ones might pay as much as $100 per hour. Focus groups pay an average of between (approximately) $50 and $500 per group session. Interviews often pay between $50 and $400 per hour, with higher pay going to industry professionals. Clinical trials also vary greatly in pay amounts and tend to pay higher for those engaging in higher-risk participation.
How to Get into Research Studies with These Sites and Apps
Getting into a paid research study is often as simple as conducting a little research of your own online. Many universities and medical facilities post advertisements for participation in paid clinical trials. The U.S. federal government also sponsors a trusted and reliable website listing paid clinical trials available nationwide. User Interviews is a top option for getting paid to share your opinions. Rare Patient Voice pays $100 per hour for people offering their opinions and stories pursuant to certain medical conditions (serious or otherwise). Interviews are conducted both via phone and video conferring mediums. Additional sites and apps to help you get into paid research studies include: